Seminar: Circus for Children and Youth


Thursday 17 February 14:15 - 15:00



Contemporary circus for children and youth is a rapidly growing field in Sweden – but what role does circus play among the performing arts for young audiences? This seminar discusses how presenters work to establish the art form among younger audiences, as well as how the artists performing for children and youth take on the task. The conversation will also highlight what meeting places that exist for presenters and performers, as well as the opportunities available today for young people who want to give circus a try. 


Åsa Johannisson
Has directed and written scripts for circus, conducted artistic research and educated circus artists at the Circus Pilots (the first circus artist education in the Nordic countries), at Cirkus Cirkör and at the Circus Department at Stockholm University of the Arts. Åsa has also been operations manager and artistic direcotr of the circus company Circus Glass Royale. 


Lillemor Strand-Bandmann
Circus consultant at the Stockholm Region, with the task of creating conditions for children and young people around the county to meet circus arts. This is done by mediating circus performances, by financial support and through coaching, various projects and capacity building for presenters.

Bengt Andersson
Former artistic director for Children & Youth Department at Riksteatern, 2011-2021. Prior to that, he staged productions at Cirkus Cirkör, as well as Grävskopsbaletten with aerial acrobatics and Cabaret Colorado with mind reading and magic. Board member of Swedish ASSITEJ.

Sara Ellström
Program producer at Stora Teatern in Göteborg and project mnager for Cirkus i Väst - a project that works fro the opportunities to experience and practice contemporary circus in Västra Götaland.

Camilla Rud
Clown, artist, director, educator, playing expert, tour leader, method developer, project manager and former artist manager for Clowns without Borders. She runs three artistic companies: Trupp Trunk, Kompani Vet Hut and Mighty Performing Arts Collective, with which she tours nationally and internationally.

Daniel Oja
Operations manager for Nordcirkus in Jämtland, in the north of Sweden. Artist and educator. He held his first courses for children and youth already in 1994.